
Liquib 2.9.2 Liquid art creator for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Liquib Abstract:

Liquib turns an image into a virtual fluid, to produce flowing, evolving transformations on its liquified surface. It is a shareware image editing application that's innovative, customizable and fun.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Create unique works of art based on pictures from collection - Screenshot of Liquib
Create unique works of art based on pictures from collection.
Screenshot of Liquib - 808px · 490px
A wide palette of tools - Screenshot of Liquib
A wide palette of tools.
Screenshot of Liquib - 588px · 246px
Customizable effects - Screenshot of Liquib
Customizable effects.
Screenshot of Liquib - 778px · 431px
Liquid image and marbled paper effects - Screenshot of Liquib
Liquid image and marbled paper effects.
Screenshot of Liquib - 588px · 455px
Liquib: User interface - Screenshot of Liquib
Liquib: User interface.
Screenshot of Liquib - 524px · 430px
Liquib screenshot
Screenshot of Liquib -
Size: 530px · 454px